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Event Calendar

Event Calendar

Mid-Atlantic District Virtual Gathering

Saturday, September 26, 2020
11:00 am CDT1:00 pm CDT

You are invited to join us on Saturday, September 26th, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm E as we virtually get together. We’ll start with news from national and a district meeting.

Many special and important people will be honored, including our district’s award winners.
Lois Sutton, Ph.D., Member at Large,
Helen de Conway Little Medal of Honor

Chrissy Moore, Potomac Unit Member,
Elizabeth Crisp Rea Award

Mitzi Kowal,
South Jersey Unit Member, Certificate of Appreciation

After our business is concluded, HSA Honorary President, Chrissy Moore and her assistant, former HSA Intern, Erin Holden will present: The NHG ‘Then and Now’— an insider’s perspective of a COVID-19-affected public herb garden.” Concluding with a video courtesy of Chrissy’s former Assistant and current USNA Education Specialist Piper Zettel.