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Event Calendar

Great Lakes District Virtual Gathering

Saturday, September 12, 2020
11:00 am1:00 pm

In lieu of holding a physical meeting this year, we will gather virtually on Saturday, September 12th from 11 am - 1 pm. This will be a free event for District members and will feature a presentation by Judy Semroc, a member of our District and a Conservation Specialist with The Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Judy’s presentation, “Important Late Summer & Fall Plantings to Aid Pollinators & Migratory Species,” will also help introduce the theme for the now 2021 Gathering, Herbal Living in Western Reserve by focusing on two late season herbs, goldenrods and asters. We will also use our time together for our required annual district meeting and to recognize the Great Lakes Rosemary Circle and Golden Sage inductees and the Certificate of Achievement winner, Peggy Trevanion. Donations to the Great Lakes District Fund are greatly appreciated and help to underwrite our meeting costs.