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HSA Webinar - Incredible Edibles: Flowers in the Kitchen

Thursday, July 25, 2019
1:00 pm2:00 pm
Headquarter Webinar

Having grown an edible flower garden for more than thirty years and written Flowers in the Kitchen (Interweave Press, 1991) there are certain flowers that Susan has come to favor. Although appearances appeal to her, it is flavor, hands down, that wins Susan over, and some tastes decidedly better than others. The top five on Susan lists for flavor are bergamot, daylilies, nasturtiums, squash blossoms, and violas. Most flowers are best used fresh, often as a garnish, however there are some that work well in cooked dishes. Find out about harvesting, storage and using edible flowers in the kitchen for fun and flavor.

About Susan Belsinger, HSA Honorary President
Susan Belsinger lives an herbal life, whether she is gardening, foraging, photographing, teaching, researching, writing or creating herbal recipes for the kitchen or apothecary—she is passionate about all things herbal. Recently referred to as a “flavor artist”, Susan delights in kitchen alchemy—the blending of harmonious foods, herbs, and spices—to create real, delicious food, as well as libations, that nourish our bodies and spirits and titillate our senses. Susan is a culinary herbalist, educator, food writer, and photographer whose articles and photographs have been published in numerous publications including The Herb Companion, The Herbarist, Herbs for Health, Mother Earth Living, Natural Home & Garden, Fine Gardening, among many others.
Susan resides in Maryland with her husband, Tomas, in the passive solar house they built over 35 years ago. Susan has boundless enthusiasm for the herb world. She loves growing plants, being outdoors in the garden, walking in the woods, foraging for herbs and herborizing with like-minded folks. Herbal collaborations with colleagues especially delights her, be it programs, demonstrations, reenactments, books, articles or events. She enjoys doing research and learning new things as much as she does sharing and teaching about them. Susan takes great pleasure in preparing herbal creations—whether it is healthy food using homegrown herbs and seasonal produce—or creating a new bitters, tincture or herbal spa product for well being. Some of her favorite pastimes are traveling, road trips or hanging out with herbal pals, visiting gardens, being at the beach, doing yoga, reading, and taking herbal baths.