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Webinar: How to Grow and Use Luffa

Tuesday, May 14, 2019
1:00 pm2:00 pm

Registration opens in early May!

HSA Webinar: How to Grow and Use Luffa with Janice Cox

You may be surprised and delighted to learn that Luffa (Loofah) sponges do not come from the sea but are a vegetable in the gourd and cucumber family and can easily be grown from seed. Luffas are best known for their skin scrubbing abilities keeping the skin fresh and clean, but did you know that young plants are also edible and delicious? Recipes for luffa soap, skin scrub, and stir-fry will be provided during this upcoming program. If you are not already a fan you will be after this webinar.

Janice Cox is our May webinar guest presenter. You may know Janice best as a natural beauty expert and author. She has published three books on Natural Beauty: Natural Beauty at Home, Natural Beauty for All Seasons, and Natural Beauty from the Garden. Combined her books contain over 600 recipes for body, bath, and hair care products. Janice’s recipes and ideas have appeared in the Herb Companion, the Herb Quarterly, and in HSA’s herb of the month guides. Janice has turned a passion into a career. To learn more about Janice visit her website at where you can purchase all of her books direct.