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Event Calendar

Herbal Delights Luncheon Symposium

Tuesday, October 2, 2018
9:00 am CDT4:00 pm CDT
Stokesay Castle near Reading PA

The theme is the "Magic of Herbs" and features keynote presenter, Pat Crocker, who is a member of HSA from Canada. She is a speaker, photographer, and author of primarily culinary books. Pat's first talk, "Black Magic" will be a PowerPoint presentation and food demonstration in which she focuses on dark colored herbs used in the garden, the kitchen, or medicine cabinet. You will also be able to taste her "Little Black Salad." Later, Pat will focus on "Invigorating Tonic Herbs" when she will give a brief PowerPoint introduction to 6 tonic herbs you can grow, followed by a demonstration on how to make and use teas, tinctures, and syrups for elixirs. The symposium will also include refreshments, herbal displays, and demonstrations, raffle, and a luncheon. Vendors will be available for your shopping pleasure.

Cost is $65 to be paid in advance.

Contact Sherry Heim at or visit for more information