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Event Calendar

Event Calendar

Herbs in Bloom-HSA Annual Meeting of Members-2018

Friday, June 1, 2018
7:00 am CDT5:00 pm CDT
Double Tree by Hilton Tarrytown, 455 South Broadway, Tarrytown, New York 10591

Schedule of Events
7am-5pm Registration and Marketplace open

7-9am HSA Member Breakfast (included in Annual Meeting registration)
8-9am Committee meetings-including Unit Chairs, Members at Large, National Herb Garden, Native Herb Conservation Committee, and more.
9-10:45am Annual Meeting with installation of officers
11-11:45am Jo Ann Gardner-"Herbs and Hardy Roses: Natural Companions in the Cottage Garden"
Noon-Awards Presentation
1pm Luncheon (included in Annual Meeting registration)
1:30-2pm Rosemary Circle and Golden Sage Recognition
2-2:45pm District Meetings
3-3:45pm Margaret Skinner and Arash Ghalehgolabbehbahani-"Saffron: A Golden Opportunity for Small Diversified Farmers"
4-4:30pm Pat Thompson-"HSA's Notable Native Herbs™ 2019"
4:30pm Happy 85th Anniversary Celebration

Early Bird Special Pricing ends March 15, 2018.

Cancellation/Refund Policy:
Cancellations of Annual Meeting registrations received at HSA on or before April 1, 2018 will receive a 100% refund; on or after April 2, 2018 will receive a 50% refund. There will be no refunds for cancellations of Annual Meeting registrations received after April 13, 2018.
All cancellations must be in writing.