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Event Calendar

A Round Robin Discussion of Hops: The 2018 Herb of the Year hosted by The Western Reserve Herb Society

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
10:00 am CST12:00 pm CST
The Hope and Stanley Adelstein Room at the Orange Library, 31975 Chagrin Blvd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124

Presentation by Kathleen Gips, a group discussion, and a Dream Pillow Workshop

WRHS started the year off with an exciting visit to Sibling Reverly, a local brewery, where we were treated to a wonderful discussion on the use of hops in brewing and had the ability to sample the fruits of the brewers’ labors. But this unassuming herb has many more uses than just beer, which we would like to further discuss and educate each other on.

We are so thrilled to have Kathleen re-creating her hops presentation that was recently featured on Fox 8’s New Day Cleveland! She will be preparing a tea made from hops that the audience can sample and a dream pillow using hops and other herbs that the audience can make!
We are so excited to have Bobbi speak on some of the ways she uses hops in the kitchen and she will be bringing a dish for the audience to sample!
We are also excited to welcome all interested members of the WRHS to come and join us with information gathered from your personal experiences with hops or research you have conducted, and if you would like, a dish to share that incorporates hops in it.
We would like to invite members of the public to attend this free* event and learn about hops and the WRHS. (*The presentations/discussion are free; a nominal fee of $5 is being charged for the cost of the Dream Pillow Workshop.)

Time: 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Meet and Greet from 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Presentations begin promptly at 10:30 AM, followed by our Round Robin
Discussion and the Dream Pillow Workshop.

Cost: Presentations and discussion are free. There is a $5 fee for the Dream Pillow Workshop.