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Learn about Hops at the Potomac Unit Meeting

Saturday, December 2, 2017
11:00 am CST2:00 pm CST
U.S. National Arboretum Classroom

One of our favorite speakers, Mr.Todd Brethauer, will give us a leg up on the study of HOPS, the 2018 Herb of the Year in the Classroom of the Administration Building at the U.S. National Arboretum. Mr. Brethauer is a Science Volunteer from the nearby U.S. Botanic Garden where many of us herbally-inclined supplement our National Herb Garden education. He is well-versed on the botany and chemistry of brewing and promiises to enlighten us about Humulus lupulus, "a low slinking little wolf plant", as Victoria Carollo Blake, plant scientist from Montana State University, describes it in the Oxford Companion to Beer.