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Event Calendar

Getting Started with Herbs hosted by the Baton Rouge Unit

Saturday, November 18, 2017
9:00 am CST12:00 pm CST
Burden Conference Center at Burden Gardens, 4560 Essen Lane, Baton Rouge, LA.

Art Scarbrough, Baton Rouge Unit Chair, will teach a class designed to help beginning herb growers. You will learn what herbs are easy to grow in this climate and what can be done to help more chancy ones to flourish, plus growing plants from seeds and cuttings. In addition, Art will share some ideas for building soil, drainage, and looking after your plants. Each participant will also receive a book of herb growing basics. Fee will be $20 for members of HSABR, $25 for non-members; register and pay in advance online by clicking here.

Members and participants alike can assist with this by saving cardboard (no styrofoam!) egg cartons and bringing them to the October meeting or to the class.