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Event Calendar

Herb Symposium presented by the Western Reserve Herb Society

Friday, March 10, 2017
9:00 am CST5:00 pm CST
Cleveland Botanical Garden

Herb Symposium presented by The Western Reserve Herb Society, a Unit of The Herb Society of America

Come join the Western Reserve Herb Society on March 10, 2017 at the Botanical Garden, for the day--or part of the day-- learning, lunching, and looking ahead to the upcoming garden season by exploring the many delights and historic uses of herbs.

The daytime session of the symposium--from 9am to 4pm--will feature nationally noted garden writer, Kirk Brown, who will enlighten us through a personification of 16th century American Medical Herbalist, John Bartram. Other speakers include Clem Hamilton on Herbals in History: Botany, Philosophy and Daily Life; Karen Kennedy on designing An Enabling Herb Garden; and Beth Schreibman Gehring on Creating a Personal Herbal Retreat. Beth will guide attendees as they make an herbal spa product to take home.

The late day portion of the symposium --from 5pm to 8pm-- will again feature Kirk Brown, who will speak on Olmsted: Urban Parks and the Health of a Nation. Learn about Olmsted's connection to Cleveland's MetroParks and Fine Arts Garden. And Will Hollingsworth, owner of the Spotted Owl, will entice you to explore the Italian herbal liqueur "Amaro". A cocktail party will conclude the day's activities.

Register for the Symposium call 216-721-1600, ext. 100.

Full day Symposium: Members $80; nonmembers $105.
Day program: Members $50; nonmembers $75
(includes an herbal box lunch and beverage service)
Evening Program: Members $35; nonmembers $50
(includes a cash bar with herbal cocktails and appetizers)