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Event Calendar

SAVE THE DATE! 2016 Northeast District Gathering "Our Native Roots - Then & Now"

Thursday, July 21, 20169:00 am CDTFriday, July 22, 20169:00 am CDT
Hyde Park and Poughkeepsie, New York

Save the Date!
2016 Northeast District Gathering
"Our Native Roots - Then & Now"

The Hudson Valley is said by many to be the birthplace of American landscape design. Join your fellow Herb Society members as we enjoy a sampling of the area's attractions while we learn the importance of our native plants both today and in an era gone by. Tour three private gardens that offer a diverse sample of styles representative of the area, meet the Beatrix Farrand Garden Association, relax with friends before heading to dinner, receive news from headquarters, participate in the district meeting, be tempted by our sensational raffle baskets and learm more about our useful natives from experts in their field.

Registration: $85 per person.
The registration form will be available after April 18, 2016. Completed registration forms with payment must be postmarked by June 19, 2016.

For additional information contact:
Northeast District Membership Delegate
Jen Munson