The Herbarist
The Herbarist Archives
The Herbarist 2006

The Herbarist 2006
Table of Contents
Gather the Enchanted Herbs
by Jennifer Newton and Francie Owens
Lemon Balm: Not Just a Sweet Smelling Weed Anymore
by Charles E. Voigt
Herbs Heal in Women's Prison
by Claudia Van Nes
Garden of Glass: Reflections on Harvard's Glass Flowers
by Susan Rossi-Wilcox
The History of Fragrance
by Jane Knaapen Cole
Herbal Beverages Make a Social Splash
by Edna McCallion
Plants to Poison Mind and Body
by Caroline Holmes
Heirloom Herbs: A History for the 21st Century Gardener
by John Forti
Za'atar and Hyssop: Everyday Spice and Ancient Herb
by Jo Ann Gardner
Housekeeping with Herbs
by Sheri Ann Richerson
Wedding Herbs
by Marion Bates