The Herbarist
The Herbarist
2025 is the 90th anniversary of The Herbarist and the editors have chosen to reprint some of the most iconic, fascinating and important articles produced for the journal. Written by some of our herbal community's best-know members, you'll enjoy articles that are milestones in HSA history and a record of how far we've come as an organization.
To celebrate, the editors sponsored a cover contest asking members to share their interpretation of The Herbarist's history. The work of the following member artists will be printed in this year's publication:
First Place, Cover Image: Carole Maleck, Frankenmuth MidMichigan Unit
Second Place, Inside Back Cover Image: Claudia VanNes, Connecticut Unit
Honorable Mention, Theme Representation: Gail Selfridge, Member at Large
Honorable Mention, Education: Vinny Lalka, Herb Society of Nashville
Honorable Mention, Future View: Vali Talbot, New Orleans Unit
The Herbarist, is an annual journal packed with informative articles, beautiful images, and fascinating global content.
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