Library Links
Library Links
Nomenclature & Taxonomy Databases
Grin Taxonomy - USDA
Includes accepted names, distribution, economic importance and bibliography for each plant. Searchable by scientific and common name. Search can also be limited to distribution range. Coverage includes over 46,000 taxa.
International Plant Names Index
A searchable database of names included in the Index Kewensis (IK), the Gray Card Index (GCI) and the Australian Plant Names Index (APNI). Includes names that have been published to date but is not a source for verifying current accepted names.
ITIS - Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Taxonomic database created through a partnership of U.S. federal and international agencies. Entries include authority, taxonomic rank, synonyms and common names, taxonomic serial number, and data source. Source for verifying current accepted names.
Plants Database - USDA
Includes a variety of information on vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. Coverage includes but is not limited to distribution data, current plant names, crop information and reference sources. Searchable by common and scientific name.
Missouri Botanical Garden's VAST (VAScular Tropicos) nomenclature database and authority files. Searchable by scientific name. Source for current accepted names for selected vascular plants.
The Plant ListÂ
A comprehensive list of plants developed by major botanical gardens in the US and Britain
Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder
Search for over 7,500 plants.