Authors Corner
Authors' Corner D–E
Notable authors, including Society members past and present – enjoy their work!
Dow, Elane
Christmas: A Potpourri, the Story of Christmas, the Origins of Favorite Traditions, Directions for Meaningful Decorations, Holiday Recipes, Personal Reflections, and Other Miscellanea. Topsfield, Massachusetts: Historical Presentations, 1986.
Simples & Worts: Being All About the Herbs of Our Puritan Forefathers (and Mothers) with Additional 17th and 18th Century Miscellany. Topsfield, Massachusetts: Historical Presentations, 1982.
Eierman, Kim.
The Pollinator Victory Garden: Win the War on Pollinator Decline with Ecological Gardening. Minneapolis, MN: Quarry Books, 2020.
Erichsen-Brown, Charlotte
Medicinal and Other Uses of North American Plants: A Historical Survey with Special Reference to the Eastern Indian Tribes. New York: Dover Publications, 1989.
Use of Plants for the Past 500 Years. Ontario: Breezy Creeks Press, 1979.