Promising Plants
Herb Study Guide
Herb study – even more fun as a group!
If there is a particular herb (or group of herbs) that you and others would be interested in studying in detail, or if there is an herb that excites just a small number of your unit, the Herb Study Guide is a great resource to utilize to create a custom study program for your group. Smaller groups are more flexible and so can delve deeper into areas of mutual curiosity, and progress at a pace tailored to fit just the few. The needs of your group will define the purpose of the study group!
Herb study groups can benefit participants in myriad ways – it can:
• Create a tighter bond among members (unit members or members at large)
• Increase HSA recognition in your community, and recruit new members
• Meet a greater variety of member interests
• Address specific learning needs of both long-term and new members
• Increase member attendance and participation through more flexible meeting times
• Focus on a single topic or project
• Enhance Unit engagement, blossom into an HSA event or newsletter article, or be featured on HSAs website