GreenBridges™ Initiative
Garden Signs
Show your neighbors that you're proud to be a GreenBridges™ gardener!

Plant one of these colorful, long-lasting metal signs in your GreenBridges garden and show the world that you provide safe space for pollinators by cultivating native herbs and other plants. Measuring 7"x10", the pre-drilled sign includes a yard stake and screws. It is also suitable to attach to a fence. Postage is included. Please allow at least two weeks for delivery. Replacement signs are available only for existing GreenBridges gardens.
GreenBridges Initiative
The Herb Society of America
9019 Kirtland-Chardon Road
Kirtland, OH 44094
You can also support GreenBridges by making a monthly recurring donation to the Initiative. Help us reach out to other gardeners and encourage more people to plant native herbs and expand safe spaces for pollinators.